Enter the legal name of the Partnership as it appears on the operating agreement.
If no operating agreement is in place you can enter the name of two partners. Example: Jason Smith and Jeff Jones
Enter the DBA or Trade Name of the Partnership.
The IRS does not require Partnerships to have a DBA or Trade Name b/c one is not required.
Enter the first name of the Primary Partner of the Partnership.
If the Partnership has more than one responsible person, one person must be elected as the Primary Partner in order to complete this application.
Enter the middle initial or name of the Primary Partner of the Partnership.
Enter the last name of the Primary Partner of the Partnership.
Enter the title of the Primary Partner of the Partnership.
For a Partnership the title is most commonly General Partner.
Enter the SSN of the General Partner of the Partnership. This must be the SSN of the partner listed on this application.
We use Secure Sockets Layer or SSL to encrypt and protect your personal information.
Re-enter the SSN of the General Partner of the Partnership to verify it matches the previously entered SSN.
Enter the physical street address of the Partnership.
Warning – The IRS does not accept P.O. Boxes
Enter the city of the Partnership.
Select the State of the Partnership.
Enter the 5-digit postal zip code of the Partnership.
Enter the County of the Partnership.
Warning – The IRS does not accept P.O. Boxes. Do not confuse “County” with “Country”.
Please select "Yes" if your mailing address is different than your physical place of business.
Select the option that best describes the principal activity of the Partnership.
If not listed, select “Other” and enter your activity in the field that will appear.
Enter the activity of the Partnership.
Example – If you owned a house cleaning business you would enter “cleaning houses”
Select one reason that best describes why you are applying for a Tax ID (EIN) Number w/ the IRS.
Enter the startup date of the Partnership or the date Partnership was acquired.
Select the closing month of the accounting year.
The IRS most commonly recognizes December as the end of the accounting year, but this is not always the case.
Please select yes if this applies to your business.
The most common answer to this question is No. If you select yes, provide details in the fields that will appear below.
Please select yes if you plan to payout more than $4,000 in wages over the next calendar year.
If you pay less than $4,000 a calendar year in wages you can file taxes annually. If you plan to pay more than $4,000 a calendar year in wages you can file taxes quarterly.
Enter the total number of employees engaged in agriculture on your payroll (full or part time).
If none, enter 0.
Enter the total number of employees engaged in household work on your payroll (full or part time).
Enter the total number of employees hired to work for your business on your payroll that are not involved in agriculture or household work (full or part time).
Select the date in which employees (full or part time) will first be paid.
It’s common for this date to be in the future, but it can be a date in the past.
The most common answer to this question is No.
Enter the previous EIN Number for the partnership.
An EIN is a 9-digit number that appears like so: XX-XXXXXXX. Do not confuse an EIN with a SSN.
Please enter the best phone number for the applicant.
Our agents will only call you if there is an issue with your application.
Please enter the best email address for the applicant.
Our agents will send you an email containing your Tax ID / EIN so you can print it out and use it instantly!
Please re-enter the email to verify it matches the previously entered email.
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